Fr. Lukasz Pyka
Oct 1, 2023
October 1, 2023
Twenty Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Our bulletin is our parish/school source of communication. Please remember to take a bulletin home; you can find one in the vestibule or by the side exit doors. Please pay special attention to the following announcements:
1.. The Queen of Hearts jackpot continues to grow! It is now at over $15,000+! Although chances will be available after this weekend’s 8:30 Mass. First drawing will be This Wednesday October 27th at the Nest – 6859 W. Irving Park Rd. Thank you for your support, and good luck to all for our next drawing.
2. St. Ferdinand Parish is seeking qualified volunteers to teach in our Religious Education Program in English or Spanish. Individual(s) will encourage our children to know, to love and to serve God in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. For more information and any questions please check our Sundays bulletin and/or contact our new Director of Religious Education Xochlt (So-Chee) Alaman or visit our parish website .
3. During the month of October, the Ushers and Br. James will check attendance by counting everyone at the Mass for Archdiocese statistical purposes and the basis of which new procedures and structures can be implemented in our Parish.
4. On Wednesday, October 4th at 2:00 pm, we will bless your pets at the Pope John Paul Courtyard in
honor of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Also School Mass on Wednesday in honor of St Francis will be at 8:15 AM. NOT 8:00 AM
Do Not Read at the Sunday 5PM Mass
5. This Weekend October 1st at the 11:30 AM Mass we will have the Blue Mass to honor all First Responders, and following the Mass we will have the blessing and dedication of the new Spred Center which is located in the St. Ferdinand’s convent. Please come and join us in these special events.